
Health Is Internal Beauty

  Jean Kerr, American author and playwright wrote: "I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?"-- Jean Kerr was closer to the truth than she might have realized. Every outside organ of the human body is eligible to be called beautiful, but because internal organs are ordinarily seen only by surgeons, they get excluded from the beauty contest. If our internal organs were observed, we would describe them in terms of attractiveness, and normal color and shape would be considered beautiful . You need only compare pictures of normal healthy internal organs with pictures of their infected and diseased counterparts in the medical books to convince yourself that health and beauty are synonymous. A healthy colon looks like evenly braided muscles. On the other hand, unhealthy colons are deformed: twisted and looped in some parts, b...

7 Ways to Get Maximum Marketing Results at Any Time

  Here is something many entrepreneurs need to understand when it comes to marketing: there is no such thing as guaranteed results. There are too many factors about your marketing campaign that no one can control. Among them, there is the behavior of the overall market, competitive pricing, demand for offers like yours, current events, and others. It would be anti-ethical for any marketing agency or freelancer to guarantee ABC results if you invest XYZ amount of money. But it does not mean that there are not ways to get the most out of your marketing budget (according to the circumstances). Here are seven ways you can maximize your marketing efforts - whether we are in a recession or a booming period. Do Not Confuse Marketing with Networking If you are marketing your business, you need to understand the difference between connecting and communicating with your community and sharing / promoting your business. Do not take to social media or networking events to present your sales pit...

The Power of Beauty

  Have you ever wondered why women are so concerned about how they look? Why they aim to look like the beautiful women they see on the television and in magazines? That's because beauty is power! Even way back into ancient times women were concerned about their looks. Think of Cleopatra or Nefertiti who were beautiful women of their times. The cosmetic industy is well aware of this and that women will go to great lengths to look beautiful. That's why the cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar industry. When you think of beauty you think of what you see on the outside. But beauty is more than skin deep. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder! What one may find beautiful another may not . Even though there is no such thing as a definition for universal beauty all women know how to use their beauty to their advantage. Men fall for this manipulation constantly. In fact they seldom know they've been snared int...

Beauty Salon- 12 Tips They Don't Want You To Know

  Beauty Salon- It is so important for us to find the right beauty salon so that we can have the right look at the right time. However, there are certain things that beauty salon owners don't want you to know. According to the September 13, 2005 issue of the LA Times, soon after Hurricane Katrina passed through the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama beauty salons with power and water reopened. Women who had lost EVERYTHING flocked to those open beauty salons . They wanted to look good even though they did not have a place to live. They wanted and needed professional hair care. This fact alone confirms your intuition about the absolute necessity of finding the right beauty salon. This holds true for a beauty salon Santa Monica, or a beauty salon Long Beach, Mississippi. Let me give you some general guidelines and tips to use when you are looking for a new beauty salon . I will also i...